Monday, May 4, 2009

The Deciduous Forest

pecan tree

Carpet moss

american beech


white-tailed deer

least weasel

duckbill platypus

Fat dormouse

The average pricipitation is 30 to 60 inches of rain. The average temperature is 50F for the whole year. The animals that live there are

  • Fat Dormouse

  • Duckbill Platypus

  • Least Weasel
  • White-tailed Deer

  • C0yote

The plants that grow there are

  • American Beech

  • Pecan trees

  • Carpet Moss

One food chain that lives there is: Tawny Milkcap Mushroom-Eatern Chipmunk-American Bald Eagle-worm

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Tropical Rainforest


Strangler Figs

Wagler's pit viper

slender loris

King Cobra


Toco Tocan

The average pricipitation in the rain forest is 50 to 260 inches of rain.The average range in temperature 68F to 93F. Some of the animals that live there are the

  • Toco Toucan
  • Kinkajou
  • King Cobra
  • Slender Loris

  • Wagler's Pit Viper

Some of the plants that live there are the

  • Strangler Figs
  • Durian
  • Tualang

One food chain that might live there is: Mangrove Forests-Proboscis Monkey-Harpy Eagle-Fungi

The tundra

Labrador Tea
Pasque Flower

Dimond Leaf Willow



Snowy Owl

Musk Ox

Harlequin Duck

The average range of temperature in the tundra is -20F to 50F. The average precipitation is 6 to 10 inches.Some animals that live there are the

  • Harlequin Duck

  • Musk Ox
  • Snowy owl

  • Ermine
  • Caribou

Some plants that live there are the

  • Diamond leaf Willow

  • Pasque Flower

  • Labrador Tea

One food chain that live there is: grass-caribou-arctic fox-mushroom

The Grasslands

Afican Wild Dog
Nigriceps Ant

Grants Zebra

Black Mamba


The average range of temperature in the grasslands is 68F to 86F. The average rainfall is 10 to 30 inches of rain. Some animals that live in the grasslands are

  • Emu
  • Black Mamba
  • Grant's Zebra
  • Nigriceps ant
  • African Wild Dog

Some plants that live in the grasslands are

  • Baobab
  • Whistling thorn
  • Kangaroo Paws

A food chain that lives there is: Grasses-termites-enchindna-Dinga.

A Desert

ChainFruit Cholla
Palo Verde


Cactus Ferruginoug Pygmy Owl

Cactus Wren

Desert Kangaroo Rat

Thorny Devil

Armadillo Lizard

A desert can be hot or cold. The average tempature is 64F. The average rainfall is 1inch of rain. The animals that live there are the

  • Thorny Devil

  • Armadillo Lizard

  • Cactus Ferruginoug Pygmy owl

  • Desert Kangaroo Rat
  • Cactus Wren

The plants that live there are the

  • Ocotilla

  • Palo Verde

  • ChainFruit Cholla

A food chain that lives there is: Mesquite bushes-haverster ants-thorned lizard-hawk.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Taiga


American Black Bear


Long Eared Owl

Bald Eagle

Estern Red Ceder

Jack Pine

White Fir

A taiga is a has a very cold climate. The average temperature is -54F to 21F.
The average rain fall is 30 to 85cm.The plants that live their are the
  • White Fir

  • Jack Pine
  • Estern Red Ceder

The animals that live their are the

  • Bald Eagle
  • Long eared owl
  • Wolverine
  • American black bear

  • Bobcat

One food chain that lives there is: Grass-Cricket-Mouse-Owl.